Sunday, September 28, 2008

makeBridge Revision

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 08/10/03
'compatibility: Rhino4
''draw normal at each division point using vector
''then create bridge structure

'first things first...
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("splineCenter", RGB(255,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("centerPt", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("normalAxis", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("normal01", RGB(255,161,0)) 'gold
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("normal02", RGB(255,127,0)) 'orange
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("side01", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("side02", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Pt", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Line011", RGB(63,191,191)) 'turquoise
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Line022", RGB(63,191,191)) 'turquoise
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Line033", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Line044", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("Line055", RGB(255,0,0)) 'red

Dim strSpline
strSpline = Rhino.GetObject ("select a spline curve", 4)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (strSpline , "splineCenter")
Call Rhino.LayerVisible ("splineCenter", False)
Dim dblsegLength
dblsegLength = 1500 '1500
Dim dblWidth
dblWidth = 2000 '2000
Dim dblSideAngle
dblSideAngle = 100 '100
Dim dblSideHeight
dblSideHeight = 900 '900
Dim dblDiagLength
dblDiagLength = dblSideHeight*Sec(dblSideAngle-90)
Call Rhino.Print (dblDiagLength) '913.884

Function Sec(x)
Dim dblPi
dblPi = Rhino.Pi
Sec = 1 / Cos(x*2*dblPi/360)
End Function

Call ribaBridge (strSpline, dblSegLength, dblWidth, dblSideAngle, dblDiagLength)
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function ribaBridge (strSpline, dblSegLength, dblWidth, dblSideAngle, dblDiagLength)

'division points
Dim arrCenPts, strCenPt
Dim a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z

If Rhino.IsCurve(strSpline) Then
'by length segment
arrCenPts = Rhino.DivideCurveLength(strSpline, dblSegLength)
'by segments
'intSegments = 130
'arrPoints = Rhino.DivideCurve(strSpline, intSegments)
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("centerPt")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrCenPts)
strCenPt = Rhino.AddPoint (arrCenPts(i))
End If

Dim dblParam, arrTangents(), arrNormals()
Dim strNormalSides01(), strNormalSides02()

For i = 0 To UBound(arrCenPts)
dblParam = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(strSpline, arrCenPts(i))
ReDim Preserve arrTangents(i)
arrTangents(i) = Rhino.CurveTangent(strSpline, dblParam)
ReDim Preserve arrNormals(i)
arrNormals(i) = Rhino.VectorCrossProduct(arrTangents(i), Array(0,0,1))
ReDim Preserve arrNormals(i)
arrNormals(i) = Rhino.VectorUnitize(arrNormals(i))
ReDim Preserve arrNormals(i)
arrNormals(i) = Rhino.VectorScale(arrNormals(i), dblWidth)

Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("normal01")
ReDim Preserve strNormalSides01(i)
strNormalSides01(i) = Rhino.addLine(arrCenPts(i), Rhino.VectorAdd(arrCenPts(i), arrNormals(i)))
ReDim Preserve strNormalSides02(i)
strNormalSides02(i) = Rhino.RotateObject (strNormalSides01(i), arrCenPts(i), 180, Array(0,0,1), True)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (strNormalSides02(i), "normal02")

'prepare vector for 3d rotation
Dim arrAxiss(), arrSides(), dilDiagLength(), strSides01, strSides02
Dim arrSides01EdPts(), arrSides02EdPts()
Dim arrSides01TpPts(), arrSides02TpPts()

For i = 0 To UBound(arrCenPts)
ReDim Preserve arrSides01EdPts(i)
arrSides01EdPts(i) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (strNormalSides01(i))
ReDim Preserve arrSides02EdPts(i)
arrSides02EdPts(i) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (strNormalSides02(i))

ReDim Preserve arrAxis(i)
arrAxis(i) = Rhino.VectorRotate (arrNormals(i), -90, Array(0,0,1))
ReDim Preserve arrSides(i)
arrSides(i) = Rhino.VectorRotate (arrNormals(i), 180-dblSideAngle, arrAxis(i))
ReDim Preserve arrSides(i)
arrSides(i) = Rhino.VectorUnitize (arrSides(i))
ReDim Preserve arrSides(i)
arrSides(i) = Rhino.VectorScale (arrSides(i), dblDiagLength)

Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("side01")
strSides01 = Rhino.addLine (arrSides01EdPts(i), Rhino.VectorAdd(arrSides01EdPts(i), arrSides(i)))
ReDim Preserve arrSides(i)
arrSides(i) = Rhino.VectorRotate (arrSides(i), (dblSideAngle-90)*2, arrAxis(i))
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("side02")
strSides02 = Rhino.addLine (arrSides02EdPts(i), Rhino.VectorAdd(arrSides02EdPts(i), arrSides(i)))

'add points
ReDim Preserve arrSides01TpPts(i)
arrSides01TpPts(i) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (strSides01)
ReDim Preserve arrSides02TpPts(i)
arrSides02TpPts(i) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (strSides02)

Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Pt")
Call Rhino.AddPoint (arrSides01EdPts(i))
Call Rhino.AddPoint (arrSides02EdPts(i))
Call Rhino.AddPoint (arrSides01TpPts(i))
Call Rhino.AddPoint (arrSides02TpPts(i))

'create lines between (i) and (i+1)
Dim strLine011, strLine022, strLine033, strLine044, strLine055

For i = 0 To UBound(arrCenPts)-1
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Line011")
strLine011 = Rhino.AddLine (arrSides01EdPts(i), arrSides01EdPts(i+1))
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Line022")
strLine022 = Rhino.AddLine (arrSides02EdPts(i), arrSides02EdPts(i+1))
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Line033")
strLine033 = Rhino.AddLine (arrSides01TpPts(i), arrSides01TpPts(i+1))
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Line044")
strLine044 = Rhino.AddLine (arrSides02TpPts(i), arrSides02TpPts(i+1))
Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("Line055")
strLine055 = Rhino.AddLine (arrCenPts(i), arrCenPts(i+1))

End Function