Sunday, August 23, 2009

Processing with Class

ArrayList veinpopulation;
ArrayList leafpopulation;

void setup(){
 size(1200, 700);
 int w = 60;
 veinpopulation = new ArrayList();
 for( int i=0; i<11; i++ ){
  veinpopulation.add( new vein( int(random(w, width-w)), int(random(7, 51)) ));

void draw(){
 for( int i=0; i<veinpopulation.size(); i++ ){
  vein v = (vein) veinpopulation.get(i);
  for( int j=0; j<leafpopulation.size(); j++ ){
   leaf f = (leaf) leafpopulation.get(j);

class vein{
int x, leafNum;
int strokeColor = color( int(random(150,221)), int(random(71,180)), 0, int(random(69,255)) );
vein( int _x, int _leafNum ){
 x = _x;
 leafNum = _leafNum;

void render(){
 stroke( strokeColor );
 line( x, 0, x, height );
 int gap = height /leafNum;
 int r = int(random(gap));
 int direction = 1;
 leafpopulation = new ArrayList();
 for( int i=0; i<leafNum; i++ ){
  int fillColor = color( int(random(150,221)), int(random(71,180)), 0,   int(random(69,255)) );
  leafpopulation.add( new leaf( x, gap*i +r, int(random(7, 41)), direction, fillColor ));
  direction = -direction;

class leaf{
int x, y, leafSize, leafDir, leafSpeed, leafColor;
leaf( int _x, int _y, int _leafSize, int _leafDir, int _leafColor ){
 x = _x;
 y = _y;
 leafSize = _leafSize;
 leafDir = _leafDir;
 leafColor = _leafColor;

void render(){
 fill( leafColor );
 translate(x, y); //move to position
 scale( leafSize ); //scale to size
 beginShape(); //draw the shape
 vertex( leafDir, -0.6875 );
 bezierVertex( leafDir, -0.6875, leafDir*0.4375, -1.03125, 0, 0 );
 bezierVertex( 0, 0, leafDir, 0.375, leafDir, -0.6875 );

Processing with Function

void setup(){
 size(1200, 700);

void draw(){
 for( int i=0; i<9; i++){
  int s = int(random(7, 51));
  int w = 2*s;
  int n = int(random(9, 51));
  drawVine(  int(random(w, width-w)), n, s );

void drawVine( int x, int numLeaves, int leafSize ){
 stroke( 0, int(random(0, 71)), int(random(71, 180)));
 line( x, 0, x, height );
 strokeWeight( 1/leafSize );
 int gap = height /numLeaves;
 int direction = 1;
 for( int i=0; i<numLeaves; i++ ){
  int colorR = 0;
  int colorG = int(random(0, 71));
  int colorB = int(random(71, 180));
  fill( colorR, colorG, colorB, random(99, 255) ); //random color for fill
  int r = int(random(gap));
  drawLeaf( x, gap*i +r, leafSize, direction );
  direction = -direction;

void drawLeaf( int x, int y, int size, int dir ){
 translate(x, y); //move to position
 scale(size); //scale to size
 beginShape(); //draw the shape
 vertex( dir, -0.6875 );
 bezierVertex( dir, -0.6875, dir*0.4375, -1.03125, 0, 0 );
 bezierVertex( 0, 0, dir, 0.375, dir, -0.6875 );

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hexagon Panelization

Panelization casestydy: Santa Caterina Market.

Each panel is flat, leaving slight gap to its neighbors. I started with hexagon-shape grid on surface as in the last image. Six points are identified and stored in array per one panel. Then to produce flat panels, I projected each vector to each normal plane (red). Vector projection is simple VectorAdd method except that I needed to flip the normals (blue) depending on the beginning angle between normals and direct vectors (white) on surface.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

PowerCopy Automation

Fabric pattern completed via powerCopy Automation. Method is the following three steps →

STEP1. BeginInstanceFactory: to initialize the InstanceFactory with the reference and the document where it is stored. This step must be called once at the beginning whatever the number of instantiations are done.

STEP2. It is composed of five methods that must be called in the order. This set of five methods can be called in a loop in order to make several instantiations.

a. The method BeginInstantiate: to initialize all data of the reference.
b. The method PutInputData
: to set a value to any input.
c. The method GetParameter
: to retrieve published parameter.
d. The method Instantiate
: to recreate the reference.
e. The method EndInstantiate
: to indicate the instantiation is done.

STEP3. EndInstantiateFactory
: to end instantiation and cleaning the InstanceFactory. When doing several instantiations in a loop, this step must be called just once at the end of all instantiations.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

boundary cone

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 10/08/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
''boundary CONE
Dim strTrgPt, arrTrgPt
strTrgPt = Rhino.GetObject ("select a target point", 1)
Dim strALLRefPts
strALLRefPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Dim strPtDir, arrPtDir, arrDirVector
strPtDir = Rhino.GetObject ("select a point for direction", 1)
Dim strRefPts
strRefPts = boundaryCone (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, strPtDir, 400, 30)

Dim intR, intG, intB
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strRefPts)
intR =255
intG =25+i*Rnd()*2
intB =0
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (strRefPts(i), RGB(intR, intG, intB))
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function boundaryCone (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, strPtDir, dblBoundCos, dblBoundAngle)
Dim arrResult

'coordinate extraction
Dim arrTrgPt
arrTrgPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strTrgPt)
Dim arrALLRefPts()
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strALLRefPts)
ReDim Preserve arrALLRefPts(i)
arrALLRefPts(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strALLRefPts(i))
Dim arrPtDir
arrPtDir = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strPtDir)

'set boundary
Dim arrLine1(1), arrLine2(1)
Dim dblAngles, dblVectorLength, dblDist
Dim arrREFPts(), strRefPts()
Dim n, m
n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrALLRefPts)
arrLine1(0) = arrPtDir
arrLine1(1) = arrTrgPt
arrLine2(0) = arrALLRefPts(m)
arrLine2(1) = arrTrgPt
dblAngles = Rhino.Angle2 (arrLine1, arrLine2)

If dblAngles(0) < dblBoundAngle Then
dblVectorLength = Rhino.Distance (arrALLRefPts(m), arrTrgPt)
dblDist = dblVectorLength *Cos(dblAngles(0)*2*dblPi/360) 'cone
If dblDist < dblBoundCos Then
Call Rhino.Print ("through point: " & CStr(n+1))
ReDim Preserve arrRefPts(n)
arrRefPts(n) = arrALLRefPts(m)
ReDim Preserve strRefPts(n)
strRefPts(n) = strALLRefPts(m)
n = n+1
End If
End If

arrResult = strRefPts
boundaryCone = arrResult
End Function

boundary partial sphere

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 10/08/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
Dim strTrgPt, arrTrgPt
strTrgPt = Rhino.GetObject ("select a target point", 1)
Dim strALLRefPts
strALLRefPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Dim strPtDir, arrPtDir, arrDirVector
strPtDir = Rhino.GetObject ("select a point for direction", 1)
Dim strRefPts
strRefPts = boundaryPartialSphere (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, strPtDir, 450, 30)

Dim intR, intG, intB
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strRefPts)
intR =255
intG =25+i*Rnd()*2
intB =0
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (strRefPts(i), RGB(intR, intG, intB))
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function boundaryPartialSphere (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, strPtDir, dblBoundR, dblBoundAngle)
Dim arrResult

'coordinate extraction
Dim arrTrgPt
arrTrgPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strTrgPt)
Dim arrALLRefPts()
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strALLRefPts)
ReDim Preserve arrALLRefPts(i)
arrALLRefPts(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strALLRefPts(i))
Dim arrPtDir
arrPtDir = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strPtDir)

'set boundary
Dim dblDist, dblAngles, arrDir
Dim arrLine1(1), arrLine2(1)
Dim arrREFPts(), strRefPts()
Dim n, m
n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrALLRefPts)
dblDist = Rhino.Distance (arrTrgPt, arrALLRefPts(m))

If dblDist < dblBoundR Then
arrLine1(0) = arrPtDir
arrLine1(1) = arrTrgPt
arrLine2(0) = arrALLRefPts(m)
arrLine2(1) = arrTrgPt
dblAngles = Rhino.Angle2 (arrLine1, arrLine2)
If dblAngles(0) < dblBoundAngle Then
Call Rhino.Print ("through point: " & CStr(n+1))
ReDim Preserve arrRefPts(n)
arrRefPts(n) = arrALLRefPts(m)
ReDim Preserve strRefPts(n)
strRefPts(n) = strALLRefPts(m)
n = n+1
End If
End If

arrResult = strRefPts
boundaryPartialSphere = arrResult
End Function

boundary sphere

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 10/08/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
''boundary SPHERE
Dim strTrgPt
strTrgPt = Rhino.GetObject ("select a target point", 1)
Dim strALLRefPts
strALLRefPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Dim strRefPts
strRefPts = boundarySphere (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, 250)

Dim intR, intG, intB
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strRefPts)
intR =255
intG =25+i*Rnd()*2
intB =0
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (strRefPts(i), RGB(intR, intG, intB))
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function boundarySphere (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, dblBoundR)
Dim arrResult

'coordinate extraction
Dim arrTrgPt
arrTrgPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strTrgPt)
Dim arrALLRefPts()
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strALLRefPts)
ReDim Preserve arrALLRefPts(i)
arrALLRefPts(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strALLRefPts(i))

'set boundary
Dim dblDist, arrREFPts(), strRefPts()
Dim n, m
n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrALLRefPts)
dblDist = Rhino.Distance (arrTrgPt, arrALLRefPts(m))

If dblDist < dblBoundR Then
Call Rhino.Print ("through point: " & CStr(n+1))
ReDim Preserve arrRefPts(n)
arrRefPts(n) = arrALLRefPts(m)
ReDim Preserve strRefPts(n)
strRefPts(n) = strALLRefPts(m)
n = n+1
End If

arrResult = strRefPts
boundarySphere = arrResult
End Function

boundary cylinder

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 10/08/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
''boundary CYLINDER
Dim strTrgPt
strTrgPt = Rhino.GetObject ("select a target point", 1)
Dim strALLRefPts
strALLRefPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Dim strRefPts
strRefPts = boundaryCylinder (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, 200, 400)

Dim intR, intG, intB
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strRefPts)
intR =255
intG =25+i*Rnd()*2
intB =0
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (strRefPts(i), RGB(intR, intG, intB))
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function boundaryCylinder (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, dblBoundR, dblBoundZ)
Dim arrResult

'coordinate extraction
Dim arrTrgPt
arrTrgPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strTrgPt)
Dim arrALLRefPts()
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strALLRefPts)
ReDim Preserve arrALLRefPts(i)
arrALLRefPts(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strALLRefPts(i))

'set boundary
Dim arrFlatPt, arrFlatRefPt, dblDist, dblmaxZ, dblminZ
Dim arrREFPts(), strRefPts()
dblmaxZ = arrTrgPt(2) + dblBoundZ
dblminZ = arrTrgPt(2)

Dim n, m
n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrALLRefPts)
arrFlatPt = Array(arrTrgPt(0), arrTrgPt(1), 0)
arrFlatRefPt = Array(arrALLRefPts(m)(0),arrALLRefPts(m)(1), 0)
dblDist = Rhino.Distance (arrFlatPt, arrFlatRefPt)
If dblDist < dblBoundR Then
If dblmaxZ>arrALLRefPts(m)(2) And arrALLRefPts(m)(2)>dblminZ Then

Call Rhino.Print ("through point: " & CStr(n+1))
ReDim Preserve arrRefPts(n)
arrRefPts(n) = arrALLRefPts(m)
ReDim Preserve strRefPts(n)
strRefPts(n) = strALLRefPts(m)
n = n+1

End If
End If
arrResult = strRefPts
boundaryCylinder = arrResult
End Function

bounday cube

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 10/08/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
''boundary CUBE
Dim strTrgPt
strTrgPt = Rhino.GetObject ("select a target point", 1)
Dim strALLRefPts
strALLRefPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Dim strRefPts
strRefPts = boundaryCube (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, 300, 300, 400)

Dim intR, intG, intB
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strRefPts)
intR =255
intG =25+i*Rnd()*2
intB =0
Call Rhino.ObjectColor (strRefPts(i), RGB(intR, intG, intB))
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function boundaryCube (strTrgPt, strALLRefPts, dblBoundX, dblBoundY, dblBoundZ)
Dim arrResult

'coordinate extraction
Dim arrTrgPt
arrTrgPt = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strTrgPt)
Dim arrALLRefPts()
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(strALLRefPts)
ReDim Preserve arrALLRefPts(i)
arrALLRefPts(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strALLRefPts(i))

'set boundary
Dim dblmaxX, dblminX, dblmaxY, dblminY, dblmaxZ, dblminZ
Dim arrREFPts(), strRefPts()
dblmaxX = arrTrgPt(0) +(dblBoundX/2)
dblminX = arrTrgPt(0) -(dblBoundX/2)
dblmaxY = arrTrgPt(1) +(dblBoundY/2)
dblminY = arrTrgPt(1) -(dblBoundY/2)
dblmaxZ = arrTrgPt(2) +(dblBoundZ/2)
dblminZ = arrTrgPt(2) -(dblBoundZ/2)

Dim n, m
n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrALLRefPts)
If dblmaxX>arrALLRefPts(m)(0) And arrALLRefPts(m)(0)>dblminX Then
If dblmaxY>arrALLRefPts(m)(1) And arrALLRefPts(m)(1)>dblminY Then
If dblmaxZ>arrALLRefPts(m)(2) And arrALLRefPts(m)(2)>dblminZ Then

Call Rhino.Print ("through point: " & CStr(n+1))
ReDim Preserve arrRefPts(n)
arrRefPts(n) = arrALLRefPts(m)
ReDim Preserve strRefPts(n)
strRefPts(n) = strALLRefPts(m)
n = n+1

End If
End If
End If
arrResult = strRefPts
boundaryCube = arrResult
End Function

Sunday, September 28, 2008

makeTree Revision

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 08/10/03
'compatibility: Rhino4
''branching using vector

'first things first...
Dim strRtPts
strRtPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select root points", 1)
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("ptCloudRT", RGB(0,0,0)) 'black
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (strRtPts, "ptCloudRT")
Dim strALLREFPts
strALLREFPts = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)
Call Rhino.AddLayer ("ptCloudREF", RGB(105,105,105)) 'gray
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer (strALLREFPts, "ptCloudREF")
Dim dblNumber
dblNumber = 7 '4
Dim dblBoundary
dblBoundary = 100 '100
Call Rhino.Print ("minimize rhino window")

'call function
Dim arrResultBranchs
arrResultBranchs = branch (strRtPts, strALLREFPts, dblNumber, dblBoundary)

Dim arrResultTrees, i, j
For j = 0 To UBound(arrResultBranchs)
'call function
ReDim Preserve arrResultTrees(j)
arrResultTrees(j) = tree (20, arrResultBranchs(j))
Dim arrResult01, arrResult02, dblS, dblT

If dblNumber Mod 2 = 1 Then
dblS = dblNumber/2+0.5
dblT = dblNumber-dblS
dblS = dblNumber/2
dblT = dblNumber/2
End If

ReDim arrResult01(dblS-1)
ReDim arrResult02(dblT-1)
Rhino.print("dblS = " & CStr(dblS))
Rhino.print("dblT = " & CStr(dblT))
For i = 0 To (dblS-1)
arrResult01(i) = arrResultTrees(j)(i)
For i = 0 To (dblT-1)
arrResult02(i) = arrResultTrees(j)(i+dblS)

'call function
Call tree (10, arrResult01)
Call tree (10, arrResult02)
Call Rhino.print("execution completed")

Function branch (strRtPts, strALLREFPts, dblNumber, dblBoundary)
refer branch function
End Function

Function tree (dblStemLength, arrBranches)
Dim arrResult()

'length of given branches
Dim i
Dim blnFlag
blnFlag = False

For i=0 To UBound(arrBranches)
Dim dblCurveLength
dblCurveLength = Rhino.CurveLength (arrBranches(i))
Call Rhino.print("length = "& CStr(dblCurveLength))
If dblCurveLength > dblStemLength Then
blnFlag = True
End If

'get average if branches are too long,
If blnFlag Then
Rhino.print("blnFlag = true")
Dim arrEdPt, arrStPt
Dim arrAvgPt(2), dblX, dblY, dblZ
dblX = 0
dblY = 0
dblZ = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(arrBranches)
arrEdPt = Rhino.CurveEndPoint (arrBranches(i))
dblX = dblX + arrEdPt(0)
dblY = dblY + arrEdPt(1)
dblZ = dblZ + arrEdPt(2)

arrAvgPt(0) = dblX /(UBound(arrBranches)+1)
arrAvgPt(1) = dblY /(UBound(arrBranches)+1)
arrAvgPt(2) = dblZ /(UBound(arrBranches)+1)
arrStPt = Rhino.CurveStartPoint (arrBranches(0))
Dim arrDiff
arrDiff = Rhino.VectorSubtract (arrAvgPt, arrStPt)
Dim dblDiff
dblDiff = Rhino.VectorLength (arrDiff)
Dim k
k = dblStemLength / dblDiff
arrDiff = Rhino.VectorScale (arrDiff, k)
Dim arrSeed
arrSeed = Rhino.VectorAdd (arrStPt, arrDiff)

'shorter branches
Dim strNewBranches
ReDim strNewBranches(UBound(arrBranches))
For i = 0 To UBound(arrBranches)
Dim arrLeaf
arrLeaf = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(arrBranches(i))
Dim strLine
strLine = Rhino.AddLine(arrSeed, arrLeaf)
ReDim Preserve arrResult(i)
arrResult(i) = strLine

Dim strStem
strStem = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt, arrSeed)
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects (arrBranches)
Rhino.print("blnFlag = false")
End If

Call Rhino.CurrentLayer ("0")
tree = arrResult
End Function