Sunday, July 13, 2008


With a few arrangements, trees become Hanabi! (fireworks in Japanese) They are all generated from the same script, only by changing input numbers. The pointcloud on the left corner is geometrical inputs.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Playing around with the find closest script I posted previously, I have been growing bunch of trees. If I look only the final result, it looks sort of intimidating. But I start with the simple code like find closest, and kept adding more functions and intelligence. I also work this way when I have to figure out complicated powercopy.

If you look close, tangency of branches appear more smoothly in type02. This regards the order that code generates branches. It makes sense that more points the code takes into consideration in the beginning (like in type02), the more naturally tangency can grow.

I have to learn how to call function for some part of the script, otherwise, scripts I write are getting too long to post... If somebody is interested, please let me know.

Friday, July 4, 2008


** Updated Branching Script

Very simple operation to find closest point out of point cloud.
I have some more work to do on this script, so I wanted to post it up before I make it too complicated.

Each Loop finds first closest, second closest, third closest, so on and so forth. I thought it would be cool to set a variable that defines how many closest point each target has to find, but I couldn't figure out. Let's just start with recycling the same Loop over and over again.

It looks like I can make this script much shorter if
Call Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint (arrPoints( ), arrPoint)
works... This sample appears in monkey, yet somehow Rhino Script Method is not available.

Option Explicit
'Author: YukiukiH
'Date: 06/04/2008
'compatibility: Rhino4
'memo: boundary is variable in plan

Sub Branching()
Dim a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z

Dim arrstrStPt, arrStPt()
Dim arrstrEdPt(), arrEdPt()
Dim arrstrALLEdPt, arrALLEdPt()

'user selection
arrstrStPt = Rhino.GetObjects ("select root points", 1)
arrstrALLEdPt = Rhino.GetObjects ("select reference points", 1)

For i = 0 To UBound(arrstrStPt)
ReDim Preserve arrStPt(i)
arrStPt(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (arrstrStPt(i))

For i = 0 To UBound(arrstrALLEdPt)
ReDim Preserve arrALLEdPt(i)
arrALLEdPt(i) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (arrstrALLEdPt(i))

'set boundary
Dim dblmaxX, dblminX, dblmaxY, dblminY

'Ultimate Loop
b = 100
For j = 0 To UBound(arrStPt)

dblmaxX = arrStPt(j)(0) +b
dblminX = arrStPt(j)(0) -b
dblmaxY = arrStPt(j)(1) +b
dblminY = arrStPt(j)(1) -b

n = 0
For m = 0 To UBound(arrstrALLEdPt)
If dblmaxX > arrALLEdPt(m)(0) And arrALLEdPt(m)(0) > dblminX And dblmaxY > arrALLEdPt(m)(1) And arrALLEdPt(m)(1) > dblminY Then
ReDim Preserve arrstrEdPt(n)
arrstrEdPt(n) = Rhino.CopyObject (arrstrALLEdPt(m))
ReDim Preserve arrEdPt(n)
arrEdPt(n) = Rhino.PointCoordinates (arrstrEdPt(n))
n = n+1
End If

Call Rhino.DeleteObjects (arrstrEdPt)

Dim strLine01, dblDist01
Dim strLine02, dblDist02
Dim strPrevShortest, dblPrevShortest
Dim strCurrShortest, dblCurrShortest

'find shortest
i = 0 'make one to begin comparison with
strLine01 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist01 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine01)
strPrevShortest = strLine01
dblPrevShortest = dblDist01

For i = 0 To UBound(arrEdPt)
strLine02 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist02 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine02)

If dblDist02 <= dblPrevShortest Then
strCurrShortest = strLine02
dblCurrShortest = dblDist02
Rhino.DeleteObject strPrevShortest
strCurrShortest = strPrevShortest
dblCurrShortest = dblPrevShortest
Rhino.DeleteObject strLine02
End If

'prepare for next round
strPrevShortest = strCurrShortest
dblPrevShortest = dblCurrShortest
'Rhino.Sleep 10

'find second
Rhino.AddLayer "1st shortest", RGB(0,255,255) 'cyan
Rhino.ObjectLayer strCurrShortest, "1st shortest"
Dim dbl1stShortest, str1stShortest
dbl1stShortest = Rhino.CurveLength (strPrevShortest)
str1stShortest = strPrevShortest

i = 0 'make one to begin comparison with
strLine01 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist01 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine01)

If dblDist01 <= dbl1stShortest Then
dblDist01 = dblDist01 * 10
End If

strPrevShortest = strLine01
dblPrevShortest = dblDist01

For i = 0 To UBound(arrEdPt)
strLine02 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist02 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine02)

If dblDist02 <= dblPrevShortest And dblDist02 > dbl1stShortest Then
strCurrShortest = strLine02
dblCurrShortest = dblDist02
Rhino.DeleteObject strPrevShortest
strCurrShortest = strPrevShortest
dblCurrShortest = dblPrevShortest
Rhino.DeleteObject strLine02
End If

'prepare for next round
strPrevShortest = strCurrShortest
dblPrevShortest = dblCurrShortest
'Rhino.Sleep 10


'find third
Rhino.AddLayer "2nd shortest", RGB(0,0,191) 'dark blue
Rhino.ObjectLayer strCurrShortest, "2nd shortest"
Dim dbl2ndShortest, str2ndShortest
dbl2ndShortest = Rhino.CurveLength (strPrevShortest)
str2ndShortest = strPrevShortest

i = 0 'make one to begin comparison with
strLine01 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist01 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine01)

If dblDist01 <= dbl2ndShortest Then
dblDist01 = dblDist01 * 10
End If
strPrevShortest = strLine01
dblPrevShortest = dblDist01

For i = 0 To UBound(arrEdPt)
strLine02 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist02 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine02)

If dblDist02 <= dblPrevShortest And dblDist02 > dbl2ndShortest Then
strCurrShortest = strLine02
dblCurrShortest = dblDist02
Rhino.DeleteObject strPrevShortest
strCurrShortest = strPrevShortest
dblCurrShortest = dblPrevShortest
Rhino.DeleteObject strLine02
End If

'prepare for next round
strPrevShortest = strCurrShortest
dblPrevShortest = dblCurrShortest
'Rhino.Sleep 10

'find fourth
Rhino.AddLayer "3rd shortest", RGB(127,255,191) 'Aquamarine
Rhino.ObjectLayer strCurrShortest, "3rd shortest"
Dim dbl3rdShortest, str3rdShortest
dbl3rdShortest = Rhino.CurveLength (strPrevShortest)
str3rdShortest = strPrevShortest

i = 0 'make one to begin comparison with
strLine01 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist01 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine01)

If dblDist01 <= dbl3rdShortest Then
dblDist01 = dblDist01 * 10
End If
strPrevShortest = strLine01
dblPrevShortest = dblDist01

For i = 0 To UBound(arrEdPt)
strLine02 = Rhino.AddLine (arrStPt(j), arrEdPt(i))
dblDist02 = Rhino.CurveLength (strLine02)

If dblDist02 <= dblPrevShortest And dblDist02 > dbl3rdShortest Then
strCurrShortest = strLine02
dblCurrShortest = dblDist02
Rhino.DeleteObject strPrevShortest
strCurrShortest = strPrevShortest
dblCurrShortest = dblPrevShortest
Rhino.DeleteObject strLine02
End If

'prepare for next round
strPrevShortest = strCurrShortest
dblPrevShortest = dblCurrShortest
'Rhino.Sleep 10

'paste above here

Rhino.AddLayer "final shortest", RGB(255,255,255) 'white
Rhino.ObjectLayer strCurrShortest, "final shortest"
Dim dblFinalShortest, strFinalShortest
dblFinalShortest = Rhino.CurveLength (strPrevShortest)
strFinalShortest = strPrevShortest


Call Rhino.Print ("script complete")
End Sub